‘Twas the scene before Christmas, when all through the kitchen
A submissive was squirming, whining, and twitching.
Her throat was adorned with a red leash and collar
As her Dominant fucked her, sucked her and mauled her.
The steel plug was nestled all snug in her cheeks,
while her nipples were tortured and suffered sharp tweaks.
Her Dominant smiled and stepped into a strap,
preheated the oven and gave her a slap.
Laid out on the bench were ingredients galore,
as the Domme donned an apron and stroked her sweet whore.
The sub sucked her dildo and whimpered with glee,
while the Domme whipped up shortbread, mince tarts and some tea.
The counter was dusted with sugar and flour,
the timer ticked on, counting down a long hour.
The Dominant hummed as she mixed and she poured,
with her slave at her feet, politely ignored.
They baked and they fucked and they did it again,
until the sweet slave was pink and well-striped from the cane.
She begged and she pleaded, she screamed and she cried
the Domme kept her guessing, plugged, wet and tied.
“Now baby, now princess, my sweet little whore
I know you can take it, but do you want more?
I’ll whip you and beat you, I’ll feed you my cunt
and when we are finished, we’ll have gingerbread Bundt.”
The submissive looked up with a smile on her lips,
as she mouthed the words “Yes, Miss” and thrusted her hips.
The Domme took her roughly, and fast from behind,
holding her face to the raisins, the nuts and orange rind.
And then, in a twinkling, the timer went bing,
and the Domme, she erupted, all over her Thing.
She gushed and she quivered, and she let out a sigh
She pulled out of her sub and she checked on the pie.
They dabbled in icings, fillings and nuts,
and dribbled them over their breasts and their butts.
They gorged and they gobbled, they licked and they ate
They suckled and fisted in front of the cake.
When at last they collapsed on the tile by the fridge
Their noses were dotted with flour, just a smidge.
A brandy and eggnog, some spiced Pfeffernüsse,
then they scurried to bed feeling tipsy and loose.
I don’t think I’ll never look at a mince pie in quite the same way ever again.