“Designed with the utmost attention to detail, the toothed rollers are slightly off-centre so they squeeze down on the clit while drawing it into the mechanism. The Clit Tenderizer’s teeth and unique rotary action help to navigate the loose flesh around the clitoris and keep the clamp securely in place when the device is tightened.”
You know those viral videos that circulate from time to time that are just a single shot of a large, scary metal machine with two rollers, grinding up random trash? Sometimes it crushes an old keyboard laptop, or a big bale of bubble wrap, or any random junk to display its incredible crushing power. Well, the technology of that terrifying garbage eating thing is very similar to the design of the Clit Tenderizer.
But don’t let that discourage you!
The Clit Tenderizer is a singular and unique piece of BDSM equipment. With its utilitarian design inspired by the form and function of industrial meat processing equipment, we think you’ll agree that the product lives up to its name.
Mean but HOT
I’m not going to lie. This little bugger hurts. Or rather, it can hurt. As soon as your flesh is pressed and pinned between the rollers there is a twinge of discomfort that quickly melts into a delicious warm and urgent feeling, like being firmly pinched and held, which is exactly whats happening. As the two rollers interlock, they relentlessly pull the clit into the grinder. Because the anatomy of every pussy is unique, it’s impossible to tell you just how much flesh this mean little thing will capture, but in short, it will pull in the clit, clitoral hood and some adjacent labia, if you let it.
“Weighing in at 1¼oz (50g), the Clit Tenderizer feels solid when it is in use, but not so heavy as to be unwieldy. Although this Clit Clamp will take you to extremes, excessive weight is not one of them.”
The case is 2⅛” (52mm) wide and 2¼” (55mm) tall. Full length of the knobs, end to end, is 3½” (88mm). The opening of the tenderizer is 1¼” (32mm) tall, and 1⅞” (46mm) wide. The rollers open to a maximum gap of ⅝” (16mm) and close to about 1/32″ (1mm).
Fawkes’ Faves Seal of Approval
If you have read my other reviews from Terrible Toyshop you’ll know that I’m a big fan. Still, I try to see each toy as unique and I try not to let my brand loyalty cloud my judgement. That said, the Clit Tenderizer is as well made, well designed and as cruel/fun as all the rest of the deliciously demented devices they have sent me. The Clit Tenderizer is genius and it has the same uniqueness and whimsy as their entire product line. These are mean machines for kinky folks who want to have fun. I recommend the Clit Tenderizer wholeheartedly and without hesitation.

I have happily reviewed the Clit Tenderizer from Terrible Toyshop, which they sent me free of charge, in exchange for an honest review. This post does not contain affiliate links.
Yikes! I’m glad the size was mentioned in the description. I think I’ll pass on this particular torture device….
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